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Did you miss a webinar? Past webinars are featured on our podcasts! Choose a series and listen now.


REsilience Webinar Series

How do you snap back from adversity at work, increasing the speed at which you return to joy and productivity? In this webinar series, we answer this question through the insights and inspiration of our featured guests.

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CAreer NavigatoR WEbinar series

We know job transition can be a draining challenge. We also believe that no one has to navigate the process alone. Join us for this webinar series, as we invite you into a group conversation on career navigation best practices. 

"Your webinars last summer were really helpful to get my gears going as I tried to initiate and manage my job search...Thanks again for your guidance and support during this challenging season, even from afar."

“I started listening to Chip and your team back in March of last year. All those wonderful key speakers that you had on Thursday nights were very inspiring. When I listened to the lawyer for a big midwest insurance company, I said, “wow, you know what, instead of complaining about working from home, why don’t we take advantage of it…” When I took your classes, it motivated me to change my attitude around. So thanks to you, I’m now sitting here discussing the benefits I’ve received from all you three.”

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Your journey to better work begins with a consultation.

VOCA for Teams

​Looking for proven and experienced coaching, training, and counsel for your team or organization? Leverage VOCA's organizational experience to steward your resources well by investing in your team and seeing your mission come to life. Visit our site specifically for churches, ministries, and non-profit organizations.


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New York, NY 10038



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