Become a VOCA Coach

VOCA is a teaching ministry and a coaching service provider. Started in New York City in 2015, we “bring God’s wisdom to work” to clients all over the world. We provide free content through our podcast, blog, and live speaking engagements. The next step in transformation for our listeners is usually some form of coaching.
Coaching has a unique power to bring lasting growth. Clients bring a variety of vocational challenges and needs: clarifying their career path, making career transitions, job searching, managing burnout, leading healthy teams, and more. Within these challenges, many struggle to make sense of how to apply their faith in the context of their career.
To move these clients towards reaching their goals, VOCA coaches blend professional coaching competency and rich Christian faith practices. This combination offers a holistic approach that drives enduring change.
VOCA is building a team of coaches who benefit from the following:
Our national platform of listeners, readers, and referral partners, which you will be introduced to via video on our website and through our podcast and digital media
Our proprietary content and frameworks for leadership development and career transition
Our community of colleagues who are growing as friends and in best practices
Our “back of the house” capacities for billing, payment, and donor tracking
Our marketing capacity that emphasizes promoting coaching programs
Our Learning Management System which tracks Career Navigator Clients and individual assessment takers
Our Hub-City Strategy: Coaches with a critical mass of clients in a given metro will be invited to meet those clients at one of our in-person receptions
Our team approach: Being part of a team of coaches provides opportunities for you to receive and offer client referrals. It provides options for you to share your expertise and take advantage of the expertise of colleagues
Our ability to process tax-deductible contributions for those who take a hybrid approach (fees plus support) to their work
VOCA is looking for coaches who are professionally excellent and spiritually committed. We require the following:
An approved coaching credential: ICF or similar
Documentation of 100 hours or more of coaching experience
At least three client references
Sincerely adhere to the beliefs expressed in the Apostles Creed
Be comfortable praying for and with clients when appropriate
Experience with spiritual formation practices that directly connect to client need
Career Navigator Coaches must also be certified in the Highlands Ability Battery, and be oriented to VOCA’s proprietary program
We expect approved VOCA Coaches:
To attend three monthly meetings as they launch to get to know the rest of the team.
To have reasonable scheduling availability for talking to client leads and accepting coaching engagements.
Complete an application
Interview with the Director of Operations, Shauna Cousino
Interview with VOCA President, Dr. Chip Roper
Reference check by VOCA HR
Interview with an existing VOCA Coach
Contract Review
Orientation and Training
[Note: either party can exit the above process at any time]
Coaching Levels at VOCA
Applicant: someone in consideration for a VOCA Coach
Trainee: someone who has gone through the application process and is gaining coaching hours, credentialing, or certification on the VOCA platform.
Associate Coach: minimum of 90 days or 20 hours of coaching for all new coaches
Approved for basic clients
Approved for supervised work with higher-level clients
Coach: able to take on all types of coaching clients–general coaching, executive, and career.
Coach-Consultant: able to contribute to organizational consulting engagements which include training design and delivery.
Program Partner: a few select individuals will be invited to be part of the executive team of VOCA to shape our work and ministry
VOCA Coaches sign a non-exclusive contract. They are permitted to coach on other platforms and on their own.
VOCA Coach applicants agree not to solicit for non-VOCA programs or coaching, any clients won and coached through VOCA.
Coaches will be paid as subcontractors and provided with a 1099 every year unless other arrangements are made.
VOCA pays up to 50% of the client fee to the coach for executing the coaching agreement.
VOCA pays up to an additional 20% of the client fee to the coach for finding the lead and closing the sale.
Coaches maintain their own technological equipment, Zoom account, and scheduling mechanism.
Candidates who elect to become full coaches, trained on VOCA’s Career Navigator platform and Certified on the Highlands Ability Battery assessment, will cover the costs of that certification. Arrangements are available to “work off” this training through coaching engagements.