This is Holy Week, commonly known as Easter. As Christ-Followers, we pause and remember the love, sacrifice, suffering, and conquest of Jesus.
Holy Week starts with Jesus' presentation to Israel and the world as the rightful King.
“Your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” Zechariah 9:9
Throughout the week, Jesus shows himself to be every bit the king of the universe as he teaches, heals, and predicts what will happen. He shows he is a sacrificial, loving king by surrendering to the cross. He proves his unlimited royal power by conquering death itself as he rises from the dead.
The royalty of Jesus offends our sense of autonomy and our learned distrust of authority. And yet, it captures a key element of what he offers us, the role he seeks in our lives. And it's in this role we find the connection with our daily work in the world.
In How the Church Fails Business People, John Knapp says that clergy and business professionals have conspired together. Professional Christians live on the suggestion that their calling is superior. Professionals in the marketplace take advantage of the idea that they don’t have to play by the same rules as the clergy. Barna’s research indicates that only 30% of Christ-followers have a sense that they are following God’s will and calling in their work. I conclude that one of the main reasons many resist the faith and work conversation is a desire to keep King Jesus out of their work lives. If this is you, perhaps this Easter, it is time to ask what you may be missing with this reduced or domesticated view of Jesus, who presented and confirmed his royal identity during the first Holy Week.
Primary allegiance to King Jesus can protect us from those who would take advantage of their positions of authority and use or abuse us–we answer to Him first.
Primary allegiance to King Jesus provides a check on the unending, all-consuming demands of our work.
Surrender to Jesus provides us with the ultimate safety net–in the Palm Sunday account, Jesus has every detail planned and taken care of. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that he has your career in his hands as well?
Jesus’ resurrection victory releases God’s power to us–to give us the strength and fortitude to deal with the inevitable ups and downs of careers and economies.
The King of Easter deserves to be the King of your career, bringing great clarity, purpose, and benefit to you and those around you. Wrestle with your level of vocational surrender this Holy Week and travel with us as we bring the Easter King’s wisdom to your work.
Approach your work with God's wisdom and in community. Schedule a free consultation with one of our coaches and learn how you can see your work in a new way.